




学术成果:已发表SCIEI检索论文20余篇,参与多项英国工程和自然科学项目和中英自然基金合作项目。担任Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems (PCMP) & 电力系统保护与控制期刊青年编委;IEEE TACIEEE TPWRSAPEN等多个期刊审稿人。




[1] Dong, Z., Zhang, X., Li, Y. and Strbac, G., 2023. Values of coordinated residential space heating in demand response provision. Applied Energy330, p.120353.

[2] Dong, Z., Zhang, X., Zhang, N., Kang, C. and Strbac, G., 2023. A distributed robust control strategy for electric vehicles to enhance resilience in urban energy systems. Advances in Applied Energy9, p.100115.

[3] Dong, Z., Zhang, X. and Strbac, G., 2021. Evaluation of benefits through coordinated control of numerous thermal energy storage in highly electrified heat systems. Energy237, p.121600.

[4] Dong, Z., Angeli, D., De Paola, A. and Strbac, G., 2021. An iterative algorithm for regret minimization in flexible demand scheduling problems. Advanced Control for Applications: Engineering and Industrial Systems3(4), p.e92.

[5] Dong, Z., Jiang, J., Liu, C., Coombes, M. and Chen, W.H., 2021. Economic model-predictive control for aircraft forced landing: Framework and two-level implementation. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems58(2), pp.1119-1132.

[6] Dong, Z. and Angeli, D., 2020. Homothetic tube-based robust economic MPC with integrated moving horizon estimation. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control66(1), pp.64-75.

[7] Dong, Z. and Angeli, D., 2020. Homothetic tube-based robust offset-free economic model predictive control. Automatica119, p.109105.

[8] Dong, Z. and Angeli, D., 2018. Analysis of economic model predictive control with terminal penalty functions on generalized optimal regimes of operation. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control28(16), pp.4790-4815.

[9] Dong, Z. and Angeli, D., 2018, December. Tube-based robust economic model predictive control on dissipative systems with generalized optimal regimes of operation. In 2018 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) (pp. 4309-4314). IEEE.

[10] Dong, Z. and Angeli, D., 2017. A generalized approach to economic model predictive control with terminal penalty functions. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 50(1), pp.518-523.