



相关应用研究获军委科技委集成创新重点项目支持,主持其中总体技术课题,并获校地合作项目1项。主持自然科学基金面上项目1项,青年基金1项,博士后基金项目3项,作为主要发明人申请专利26项,已获授权专利16项。作为第一作者或/和通讯作者在Phys. Rev. LettPhotonics ResearchAppl. Phys. LettOpt. Lett.等国际核心刊物发表论文十余篇,共发表论文35篇,总被引530余次。


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  • 主要论文列表

  1. Zhang, Z., C. Wu, Q. Li, S. Zhao and H. Li., Complex-amplitude modulation of surface waves based on a metasurface coupler, Optics Express 31(6): 9620-9630. (2023)

  2. Li, Q., C. Wu, Z. Zhang, S. Zhao, B. Zhong, S. Li, H. Li and L. Jin, High-Purity Multi-Mode Vortex Beam Generation With Full Complex-Amplitude-Controllable Metasurface, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 71(1): 774-782. (2023).

  3. Li, Q., C. Wu, S. Zhao, Z. Zhang, B. Zhong, S. Li, H. Li and L. Jin, Compact Anisotropic Metasurface for Full Range and Arbitrary Complex-Amplitude Control, IEEE Photonics Journal 14(1): 1-6. (2022).

  4. Wu, C., Q. Li, S. Zhao, Z.-H. Zhang, and H.-Q. Li, Control of phase, polarization and amplitude based on geometric phase in a racemic helix array. Photonics Research (2021) Accepted, Early Posting.

  5. Wu, C., Q. Li, S. Zhao, Z.-H. Zhang, S.-J. Wei, and H.-Q. Li, Analytical full complex-amplitude control strategy for metasurface. New Journal of Physics, 23(8): p. 083023. (2021).

  6. Wu, C., Q. Li, S. Zhao, Z.H. Zhang, X. Liu, S.J. Wei, and H.Q. Li, Broadband Efficient Polarization-Pure Airy Beam Generation Based on Three-Layer Metasurface. Physica Status Solidi B-Basic Solid State Physics, 2100002. (2021).

  7. Wu, C., Q. Li, S. Zhao, Z. Zhang, X. Liu, S. Wei, and H. Li, Broadband Efficient Dual-Polarization Airy Beam Generation with Reflective Metasurface. Physica Status Solidi B-Basic Solid State Physics, 258(5): p. 2100002.(2021).

  8. C. Wu, H. Li, X. Yu, F. Li, H. Chen, and C. T. Chan, Metallic Helix Array as a Broadband Wave Plate.Physical Review Letters107, 177401 (2011).

  9. C. Wu, H. Li, Z. Wei, X. Yu, and C. T. Chan, Theory and Experimental Realization of Negative Refraction in a Metallic Helix Array.Physical Review Letters105, 247401 (2010).

  10. Li, Q., C. Wu*, X. Liu, S. Zhao, Z.H. Zhang, X.B. Shang, Z.Y. Wei, and H.Q. Li, Geometric Phase Based Circular Array for Multimode Vortex Beam Generation.Annalen Der Physik, 531(12): p. 8 (2019).

  11. Z. Gong, C. Wu*, C. Fang, S. Zhao, A. Sun, Z. Wei, and H. Li, Broadband efficient vortex beam generation with metallic helix array.Applied Physics Letters113, 071104 (2018).

  12. C. Fang, C. Wu*, Z. Gong, S. Zhao, A. Sun, Z. Wei, and H. Li, Broadband and high-efficiency vortex beam generator based on a hybrid helix array.Optics Letters43, 1538-1541 (2018).

  13. Z. Gong, C. Wu*, Q. Li, Z. Wei, and H. Li, A Design of Functional Layer with Robust Constitutive Parameters for Multilayer Metamaterials.Advances in Materials Science and Engineering2017, 13 (2017).

  14. Cheng, K., W. Zhang, Z. Wei, Y. Fan, C. Xu, C. Wu, X. Zhang, and H. Li, Simulate Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm with metamaterials.Optics Express, 28(11): p. 16230-16243. (2020).

  15. P. Wang, W. Yang, S. Shen, C. Wu, L. Wen, Q. Cheng, B. Zhang, and X. Wang, Differential Diagnosis and Precision Therapy of Two Typical Malignant Cutaneous Tumors Leveraging Their Tumor Microenvironment: A Photomedicine Strategy. ACS. Nano, 13, 11168−11180 (2019).

  16. Xiaobing, S., C. Dieter, C. Fang, X. Chaowei, L. Quan, W. Chao, L. Hongqiang, J. Changjun, and S. Herbert De, Dual-frequency liquid crystal-polymer grating for fast response optical beam steering. Smart Materials and Structures, (2019).

  17. Cheng, K., Z. Wei, Y. Fan, X. Zhang, C. Wu, and H. Li, Realizing Broadband Transparency via Manipulating the Hybrid Coupling Modes in Metasurfaces for High-Efficiency Metalens.Advanced Optical Materials, 0(0): p. 1900016 (2019).

  18. Zhang, W.X., K.Y. Cheng, C. Wu, Y. Wang, H.Q. Li, and X.D. Zhang, Implementing Quantum Search Algorithm with Metamaterials.Advanced Materials, 30(1) (2018).

  19. Yin, X., H. Zhu, H.J. Guo, M. Deng, T. Xu, Z.J. Gong, X. Li, Z.H. Hang, C. Wu,H.Q. Li, S.Q. Chen, L. Zhou, and L. Chen, Hyperbolic Metamaterial Devices for Wavefront Manipulation.Laser & Photonics Reviews, 13(1) (2018).

  20. W. Zhang, K. Cheng, C. Wu, Y. Wang, H. Li, and X. Zhang, Implementing Quantum Search Algorithm with Metamaterials.Advanced Materials30, 1703986 (2018).

  21. X. Su, Z. Wei, C. Wu, Y. Long, and H. Li, Negative reflection from metal/graphene plasmonic gratings.Optics Letters41, 348-351 (2016).

  22. Y. Bian, C. Wu, H. Li, and J. Zhai, A tunable metamaterial dependent on electric field at terahertz with barium strontium titanate thin film.Applied Physics Letters104, 042906 (2014).

  23. Z. Wei, Y. Cao, Z. Gong, X. Su, Y. Fan, C. Wu, J. Zhang, and H. Li, Subwavelength imaging with a fishnet flat lens.Physical Review B88, 195123 (2013).

  24. Y. Cao, Z. Wei, C. Wu, H. Li, H. Chen, and K. Cai, Collimation effect inside complete bandgap of electromagnetic surface resonance states on a metal plate perforated with a triangular array of air holes.Optics Express20, 25520-25529 (2012).

  25. J. Han, H. Li, Y. Fan, Z. Wei, C. Wu, Y. Cao, X. Yu, F. Li, and Z. Wang, An ultrathin twist-structure polarization transformer based on fish-scale metallic wires.Applied Physics Letters98, 151908 (2011).

  26. Y. Fan, J. Han, Z. Wei, C. Wu, Y. Cao, X. Yu, and H. Li, Subwavelength electromagnetic diode: One-way response of cascading nonlinear meta-atoms.Applied Physics Letters98, 151903 (2011).

  27. Z. Wei, H. Li, Y. Cao, C. Wu, J. Ren, Z. Hang, H. Chen, D. Zhang, and C. T. Chan, Spatially coherent surface resonance states derived from magnetic resonances.New Journal of Physics12, 093020 (2010).

  28. Z. Wei, H. Li, C. Wu, Y. Cao, J. Ren, Z. Hang, H. Chen, D. Zhang, and C. T. Chan, Anomalous reflection from hybrid metamaterial slab.Optics Express18, 12119-12126 (2010).

  29. Z. Wei, Y. Cao, J. Han, C. Wu, Y. Fan, and H. Li, Broadband negative refraction in stacked fishnet metamaterial.Applied Physics Letters97, 141901 (2010).

  • 已授权专利列表

  1. 基于超材料模块实现涡旋波束编码、解码及通信的方法,201710366020.4,发明人中排名第4,已授权,申请/授权日2020.09.29

  2. 一种喷涂机的喷涂方法,ZL 201610670916.7,发明人中排名第4,已授权,申请/授权日 2019.04.26

  3. 一种星地通信系统和方法,ZL 201510111357.1,发明人中排名第3,已授权,申请/授权日 2019.04.16

  4. 一种同轴线测试方法, ZL 201610799191.1,发明人中排名第4,已授权,申请/授权日 2019.02.22

  5. 一种光刻机及方法, ZL 201610670785.2,发明人中排名第4,已授权,申请/授权日 2018.11.30

  6. 一种X…X数据传输方法和系统,ZL 201418009340.1,发明人中排名第3,已授权,申请/授权日2017.02.15

  7. 一种基于金属螺旋线的宽频带波片,ZL201110044348.7,发明人中排名第2,已授权,申请/授权日2017.09.26

  8. 一种基于一维复式光栅结构的高定向平面天线,ZL200810034702.6,发明人中排名第2,已授权,申请/授权日2015.11.25

  9. 一种X…X方法,ZL201318004141.7,发明人中排名第3,已授权,申请/授权日2015.08.26

  10. 一种电磁波波束调控装置,ZL201310146377.3,发明人中排名第3,已授权,申请/授权日2015.07.22

  11. 一种X…X吸波体,ZL 201218000964.8,发明人中排名第3,已授权,申请/授权日2014.08.06

  12. 一种X…X吸波体,ZL 201218000963.3,发明人中排名第3,已授权,申请/授权日2014.08.06

  13. 一种平面结构闪耀光栅,ZL201010169432.7,发明人中排名第4,已授权,申请/授权日2013.10.16

  14. 一种太赫兹或红外频段灵敏光子探测器,ZL201010169415.3,发明人中排名第4,已授权,申请/授权日2013.06.26

  15. 一种宽频带空间相干热辐射光源,ZL201010169422.3,发明人中排名第4,已授权,申请/授权日2013.05.01

  16. 一种双频超薄高定向谐振腔天线,ZL200710171727.6,发明人中排名第3,已授权,申请/授权日2011.06.22